River City - 2002 Episodes
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  Tuesday 8 September 09
Episode Guides - 2002 Archive

Episode 29 (Tue 31 December)
Episode 28 (Thu 26 December)
Episode 27 (Tue 24 December)
Episode 26 (Thu 19 December)
Episode 25 (Tue 17 December)
Episode 24 (Thu 12 December)
Episode 23 (Tue 10 December)
Episode 22 (Thu 5 December)
Episode 21 (Tue 3 December)
Episode 20 (Thu 28 November)
Episode 19 (Tue 26 November)
Episode 18 (Thu 21 November)
Episode 17 (Tue 19 November)

Wednesday 13 November 2002 - Episode 16:

Tommy tried to cheer Kirsty up, but she knocked him back in favour of Raymond. Ruth learned that Scott fancied Cormac. While Raymond planned to take Kirsty on a trip to Turkey, Eileen was annoyed that he wasn't going to take Brian as well. Lewis decided to stop his development plans for the time being.

Tuesday 12 November 2002 - Episode 15:

Regarding his behaviour towards Joanne, Gina had a slanging match with Cormac. Derek planned to ged rid of Moira's stolen goods. Hana returned from her break. Derek and Hazel kissed after skipping school. George was told about Moira's shoplifting by Derek, and threatened his wife.

Thursday 7 November 2002 - Episode 14:

Derek discovered a collection of Moira's stolen goods. Cormac heard the news that his mother had died, which later caused tension between him and Lewis. While Tommy began a support group in order to go against the new flats being built, Lewis was revealed to be the developer. He and Cormac exchanged words in the pub.

This episode was:
Written by Janet Paisley

Cast included:
Tommy Donachie - Eric Barlow
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Hazel Donachie - Annmarie Fulton
Kirsty Henderson - Kari Corbett
Brian Henderson - William Ruane
Gina Rossi - Libby McArthur
Ruth Rossi - Morag Calder
Joanne Rossi - Alison McKenzie
Malcolm Hamilton - Johnny Beattie
Lily Fraser - Ida Schuster
Raymond Henderson - Paul Samson
George Henderson - John Murtagh
Moira Henderson - Jo Cameron Brown
Derek Henderson - Gordon McCorkell

Tuesday 5 November 2002 - Episode 13:

George was told of who had vandalised his cab. Hazel refused to forgive Derek for getting into her trouble with George. Derek admitted to Moira that her knew about her shoplifting. Joanne was offered the chance to be a regular singer at the pub. Moira later broke down and asked Derek for his help.

Thursday 31 October 2002 - Episode 12:

As her singing debut at the pub approached, Joanne became nervous, however, Gina took her original place. After Karim organised that house for her return, Hana decided to stay a while longer. Joanne was persuaded by Ruth to sing. Derek vandalised George's taxi with graffiti, while Hazel stole vodka.

Tuesday 29 October 2002 - Episode 11:

Derek attempted to blackmail Jamilah about the party. Eileen remained embarrassed about her talk with Lewis. Gina was angry at Joanne for spending the money that she had given her on a photoshoot. She later vowed that she would stop helping her financially. In order to stop rumours, Scott revealed that he was gay.

Thursday 24 October 2002 - Episode 10:

Tommy discovered that Hazel was drunk. She later apologised to Lily for being sick on her doorstep. Zara and Jamilah organised a trip to Paris for their parents, but Hana vowed that she would go alone. Ruth didn't want her relationship with Russ to go any further, while Lewis made his feelings for Eileen clear.

Cast included:
Hazel Donachie - Annmarie Fulton
Lily Fraser - Ida Schuster
Zara Malik - Shabana Akhtar Bakhsh
Jamilah Malik - Laxmi Kathuria
Hana Malik - Mamta Kash
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis

Tuesday 22 October 2002 - Episode 9:

Hazel and Kirsty rowed over what had been said about Tommy. Raymond realised that he done wrong. Scott explained to Jamilah that he's gay, after she tried to kiss him. Ruth and Russ ended up sleeping together. In order for Tommy not to find out, Eileen covered for a very drunk Hazel.

Cast included:
Hazel Donachie - Annmarie Fulton
Tommy Donachie - Eric Barlow
Raymond Henderson - Paul Samson
Scott Wallace - Tony Kearney
Jamilah Malik - Laxmi Kathuria
Russ Minto - Grant Ibbs

Thursday 17 October 2002 - Episode 8:

Whilst Moira organised a party for his birthday, Derek, along with Bob, got drunk after mixing cans of lager with stolen whisky. Raymond tried to persuade Kirsty to lie to Eileen regarding Tommy's behaviour. George attempted to discard a present from Derek's absent mother.

Cast included:
Moira Henderson - Jo Cameron Brown
Derek Henderson - Gordon McCorkell
Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon
Raymond Henderson - Paul Samson
Kirsty Henderson - Kari Corbett
George Henderson - John Murtagh

Tuesday 15 October 2002 - Episode 7:

Zara gave Karim romantic ideas in order to win Hana back. Kirsty ruined a load of washing and got Hazel blamed for it. Hazel was prepared to get her own back. Whilst Joanne ended up working as a waitress in The Grill, Russ got a job behind the bar at the Tall Ship, thanks to a good word from Lily.

Cast included:
Zara Malik - Shabana Akhtar Bakhsh
Karim Malik - Kriss Dosanjh
Kirsty Henderson - Kari Corbett
Hazel Donachie - Annmarie Fulton
Joanne Rossi - Alison McKenzie
Lily Fraser - Ida Schuster

Thursday 10 October 2002 - Episode 6:

Joanne flaunted her new trim figure, but Russ seemed to be more interested in Ruth. Eileen was shocked when Lewis took a pretty woman to the opening of The Grill. The secret that Karim was sleeping on a camp bed was revealed in the new restaurant, when everyone overheard Nazir blaming sister Zara.

Cast included:
Joanne Rossi - Alison McKenzie
Russ Minto - Grant Ibbs
Ruth Rossi - Morag Calder
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Lewis Cope - Duncan Duff
Zara Malik - Shabana Akhtar Bakhsh

Tuesday 8 October 2002 - Episode 5:

Russ Minto, an old friend of Nazir's, moved into Ruth and Joanne's flat. Cormac O'Sullivan was introduced to Tommy and Eileen. What Cormac lacked in humour, he made up for in cooking skills. Raymond told Kirsty to watch Tommy's behaviour. Moira and George were shocked by Derek's new hairstyle.

Cast inclued:
Nazir Malik - Riz Abbasi
Russ Minto - Grant Ibbs
Tommy Donachie - Eric Barlow
Cormac O'Sullivan - Jason Pitt
Moira Henderson - Jo Cameron Brown
George Henderson - John Murtagh

Thursday 3 October 2002 - Episode 4:

Lewis suggested Cormac as a chef for the Tall Ship. Unlike Tommy, Eileen wasn't keen on the idea. Joanne decided to lose weight after discovering she couldn't fit into a dress. Karim had to cancel a family function when Hana went into town and failed to let him know. The pair of them had a huge row.

Cast included:
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Lewis Cope - Duncan Duff
Joanne Rossi - Alison McKenzie
Tommy Donachie - Eric Barlow
Hana Malik - Mamta Kash
Karim Malik - Kriss Dosanjh

Tuesday 1 October 2002 - Episode 3:

Eileen became suspicious of Lewis. Tommy was confronted by Raymond about the injury to Kirsty's head. Hana became extremely annoyed with Karim. Whilst laying on a sun bed, Ruth had her clothes stolen. The thieves later turned out to be Derek and Bob. Ruth set Derek's new shell suit alight as revenge.

Cast included:
Tommy Donachie - Eric Barlow
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Raymond Henderson - Paul Samson
Ruth Rossi - Morag Calder
Derek Henderson - Gordon McCorkell
Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon

Thursday 26 September 2002 - Episode 2:

In order to start up a design business, Scott and Nazir were over the moon to get a loan. Nazir informed his father Karim that he wasn't returning to college. Eileen told Lewis that she didn't want to see him again. Kirsty fell and injured herself during a fight with Brian, and threatened Tommy with the police.

Cast included:
Scott Wallace - Tony Kearney
Nazir Malik - Riz Abbasi
Karim Malik - Kriss Dosanjh
Hana Malik - Mamta Kash
Kirsty Henderson - Kari Corbett
Brian Henderson - William Ruane

Tuesday 24 September 2002 - Episode 1:

It was the day of Eileen's wedding to Tommy. Eileen's former lover Lewis Cope turned up and tried to convince her that the wedding was a mistake. Despite Lewis' actions, the ceremony went ahead. There was more trouble when Eileen's ex-husband Raymond arrived at the reception.

Cast included:
Tommy Donachie - Eric Barlow
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Hazel Donachie - Annmarie Fulton
Gina Rossi - Libby McArthur
Malcolm Hamilton - Johnny Beattie
Lewis Cope - Duncan Duff

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