River City - 6 January - 6 April 2010
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  Tuesday 8 September 09

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Following Archie's funeral, Liz became very down. Derek insisted that Molly moved out and found a place of her own. Lydia and Amber were dreading Ewan's funeral. Amber managed to persuade Malcolm to attend. Scarlett suggested that Raymond should hold a wake in the pub in honour of Ewan. Eileen became drunk and seeked comfort from Raymond. Lenny unexpectedly turned up at Ewan's buriel. Derek had difficulty in locating Stella, until Murray became hopeful. After seeing Lenny, Malcolm had second thoughts about his witness statemant to the police, but Lydia advised him to stick to his original story.

This episode was:
Written by Joanne Logue
Produced by Jonathan Phillips
Directed by Jim Shields

Amber Murdoch - Lorna Anderson
Malcolm Hamilton - Johnny Beattie
Murray - Brian Cowan
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Ruth Rossi - Morag Calder
Liz Buchanan - Eileen McCallum
Gina Hamilton - Libby McArthur
Lydia Murdoch - Jacqueline Leonard
Scarlett Mullen - Sally Howitt
Bob O'Hara - Tom Urie
Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon
Jimmy Mullen - Billy McElhaney
Derek Henderson - Gordon McCorkell
Molly - Una McLean
Father Mulvaney - Laurie Ventry
Raymond Henderson - Paul Samson
Charlie Bowie - Ryan Smith
Jennifer Bowie - Lorna Craig
Lenny Murdoch - Frank Gallagher

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Gaynor Holmes

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Raymond decided that he wants to become a foster parent, after babysitting Madonna. Scarlett, Big Bob and Derek considered entering the talent show at the community centre. Stella was still around and vowed to prove that Molly is a liar. Eileen initially thought that Raymond's idea to foster was a mistake. Innes admitted that he liked Jenny's friend Beth, but was afraid of a having an epileptic seizure. Big Bob paniced when his special guitar went missing. It later turned up under Molly's bed. The truth about Molly was revealed during the Open Mic Nite and caused a huge scene. Derek went to find Stella but missed her. Eventually, Eileen agreed to foster with Raymond.

This episode was:
Written by Keith Temple
Produced by Jonathan Phillips
Directed by Jim Shields

Raymond Henderson - Paul Samson
Jimmy Mullen - Billy McElhaney
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon
Molly - Una MacLean
Derek Henderson - Gordon McCorkell
Scarlett Mullen - Sally Howitt
Bob O'Hara - Tom Urie
Charlie Bowie - Ryan Smith
Innes Maitland - Samuel Robertson
Jennifer Bowie - Lorna Craig
Beth - Inga Stewart
Iona McIntyre - Claire Knight
Gina Hamilton - Libby McArthur
Ruth Green - Morag Calder
Stella - Keira Lucchesi
Murray - Brian Cowan

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Amber tried to quiz Lee about how Ewan died, but Lee was reluctant to give her answers. She later went to Malcolm who confirmed that Lenny pushed Ewan. Hayley and Robbie organised a party at the pub, in order to try and seduce a man who they both took a fancy to. Cunning Molly tricked Stella into drinking vodka prior to a date with Derek. Back at the party, Amber got drunk and broke down after Lee left. The next morning saw her visit Lenny in prison, but she couldn't bring herself to believe him. Derek threw Stella out. Hayley and Robbie were at each other's throats after drunkenly sleeping together. After both receiving advice from Gordon, they decided to save their friendship by making up.

This episode was:
Written by Vivien Adam
Produced by Jonathan Phillips
Directed by Jim Shields

Malcolm Hamilton - Johnny Beattie
Hayley McCrone - Pamela Byrne
Robbie Fraser - Gary Lamont
Lydia Murdoch - Jacqueline Leonard
Lee - James Palmer
Amber Murdoch - Lorna Anderson
Jack - John Comerford
Gordon Swan - Sandy Welch
Derek Henderson - Gordon McCorkell
Stella - Keira Lucchesi
Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon
SMolly - Una MacLean
Beth - Inga Stewart
Jennifer Bowie - Lorna Craig
Charlie Bowie - Ryan Smith
Innes Maitland - Samuel Robertson
Lenny Murdoch - Frank Gallagher

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Lydia and Lee made their statements, resulting in Lenny being charged with murder. After lying to the police by saying that Lee is her son, Lydia told them about what Ewan said regarding Lenny's other murder victims. A forensics team searched the boatyard and discovered the bodies of Mary and Archie Buchanan. Liz refused to believe the news of Archie's death, until a wallet containing a photograph of her was recovered. She later unexpectedly turned up at the Murdochs' house, and was told by Lydia that Lenny did have Archie killed. After managing to manipulate them into letting her her stay with them, Molly caused frustration as a new flatmate for Bob, Derek and Stella. Daniel was excited about going to Ireland and meeting his family, but Marianne was reluctant to leave her patients. Following a huge row, they later made up and left together. Malcolm told DI Rook that he witnessed Lenny pushing Ewan off the scaffolding.

This episode was:
Written by James McIntyre
Produced by Emma Turner
Directed by Bill MacLeod

Lee - James Palmer
Lydia Murdoch - Jacqueline Leonard
DI Rook - Julie Hale
DI Dewar - Aiyaz Ahmed
Malcolm Hamilton - Johnny Beattie
Liz Buchanan - Eileen McCallum
Scarlett Adams - Sally Howitt
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Gina Hamilton - Libby McArthur
Jimmy Mullen - Billy McElhaney
Joe - Sean Scanlan
Bob O'Hara - Tom Urie
Molly - Una MacLean
Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon
Derek Henderson - Gordon McCorkell
Stella - Keira Lucchesi
Lenny Murdoch - Frank Gallagher
Amber Murdoch - Lorna Anderson
Daniel McKee - Ewan Stewart
Marianne McKee - Frances Grey
Hamish Johnston - Stewart Preston

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Amber told Lydia the truth about Lee. When confronted, Lenny denied this, and was stunned to learn that Lee is still alive. Lenny lured Ewan to the flat, where he held him hostage. Bob's job at the centre was almost gone when Molly trashed the place, to make it look like a burglary, and left the door open. Molly was caught on CCTV and later arrested after Scarlett phoned the police on her. Ruth offered Iona a spare room at her flat. Iona eventually agreed to move in, after worrying about Raymond's feelings. Lydia and Lee realised where Ewan was and tricked Lenny into opening the door. With Lenny threatening to kill him, Ewan climbed out of the window onto some scaffolding. To everyone's horror, he slipped and fell to his death.

This episode was:
Written by Ann Marie Di Mambro
Produced by Emma Turner
Directed by Bill MacLeod

Amber Murdoch - Lorna Anderson
Ewan Murdoch - Chris Brazier
Lydia Murdoch - Jacqueline Leonard
Malcolm Hamilton - Johnny Beattie
Molly - Una MacLean
Liz Buchanan - Eileen McCallum
Iona McIntyre - Claire Knight
Raymond Henderson - Paul Samson
Lenny Murdoch - Frank Gallagher
Scarlett Mullen - Sally Howitt
Lee - James Palmer
Bob O'Hara - Tom Urie
Jimmy Mullen - Billy McElhaney
Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Ruth Green - Morag Calder
Gina Hamilton - Libby McArthur

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Robbie came close to kissing Gordon. Eileen accused Gina of stealing Murray off her. Ewan told the police about Lenny's crimes, but nothing could be done without evidence. Robbie was sacked after pushing Gordon too far when he tried to break up his relationship with Ruth. Ewan tried to use a bugging device in order for Lenny to incriminate himself, but in the process, had to explain the truth about Lee to Amber. Derek was worried about Bob following his break up with Nicki. Gordon decided to give Robbie his job back. Eileen encouraged Gina to go after Murray before he left Shieldinch, after learning that he does actually have feelings for her sister.

This episode was:
Written by Sergio Casci
Produced by Jonathan Phillips
Directed by David McKay

Scott Wallace - Tony Kearney
Ruth Green - Morag Calder
Gordon Swan - Sandy Welch
Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon
Derek Henderson - Gordon McCorkell
Gina Hamilton - Libby McArthur
Murray - Brian Cowan
Ewan Murdoch - Chris Brazier
Amber Murdoch - Lorna Anderson
Lenny Murdoch - Frank Gallagher
Robbie Fraser - Gary Lamont
Jack Paterson - John Comerford
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Raymond Henderson - Paul Samson
DI Rook - Julie Hale
Hayley McCrone - Pamela Byrne
Jimmy Mullen - Billy McElhaney

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Photos of Bob Adams kissing another woman were posted on the internet, which Stella later discovered. Molly returned to Shieldinch with her neck and wrist in plaster, wanting Bob O'Hara to come home with her. Ewan quizzed Lenny about his mother. Scarlett allowed Molly to stay at the Mullens. Intending to propose marriage, Bob Adams came clean to Nicki about his infidelity. Father Mulvaney convinced Ewan that the police should know about all Lenny's dodgy dealings. Nicki left Shieldinch to stay with Shirley.

This episode was:
Written by Joanne Logue
Produced by Jonathan Phillips
Directed by David McKay

Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon
Derek Henderson - Gordon McCorkell
Stella - Keira Lucchesi
Nicki Cullen - Jayd Johnson
Lenny Murdoch - Frank Gallagher
Ewan Murdoch - Chris Brazier
Lydia Murdoch - Jacqueline Leonard
Amber Murdoch - Lorna Anderson
Father Mulvaney - Laurie Ventry
Bob O'Hara - Tom Urie
Scarlett Mullen - Sally Howitt
Molly - Una McLean
Raymond Henderson - Paul Samson
Jimmy Mullen - Billy McElhaney

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Eileen was dumped by Murray. After a talk with Father Mulvaney, Ewan tried to track down his mother Mary. Despite his luck with jobs in the past, Bob O'Hara was offered the position of janitor at the community centre by Eileen.

This episode will be:
Written by Louise Ironside
Produced by Emma Turner
Directed by Jeff Naylor

Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon
Jimmy Mullen - Billy McElhaney
Scarlett Mullen - Sally Howitt
Lydia Murdoch - Jacqueline Leonard
Lenny Murdoch - Frank Gallagher
Gina Hamilton - Libby McArthur
Ruth Green - Morag Calder
Murray - Brian Cowan
Father Mulvaney - Laurie Ventry
Ewan Murdoch - Chris Brazier
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Iona McIntyre - Claire Knight
Lee - James Palmer
Raymond Henderson - Paul Samson
Hayley McCrone - Pamela Byrne
Robbie Fraser - Gary Lamont
Joe - Sean Scanlan
Charlie Bowie - Ryan Smith
Bob O'Hara - Tom Urie
Tony - Michael Burns

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

Tuesday 9 February 2010

It was Valentine's day in Shieldinch, and Eileen and Gina's camping trip with Murray was approaching. Gina made up an excuse not to go, but agreed to drive to drive Eileen and Murray into the country. Daniel recieved the news that he is a grandfather. Gordon found that he double booked himself with Hayley and Ruth. A worried Ewan gave Lenny the impression that Lee was dead. After feeling she'd had enough of the country, Eileen, along with Murray, were set to be driven home to the city again by Gina. Unfortunately for Eileen, the car wouldn't start and the three of them were forced to share a tent. The next morning, the breakdown service was called and they returned to Shieldinch. Lee was revealed to be very much alive and was being held hostage by Ewan.

This episode was:
Written by Morag Fullarton
Produced by Emma Turner
Directed by Jeff Naylor

Ewan Murdoch - Chris Brazier
Lydia Murdoch - Jacqueline Leonard
Robbie Fraser - Gary Lamont
Jack - John Comerford
Gordon Swan - Sandy Welch
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Gina Hamilton - Libby McArthur
Ruth Green - Morag Calder
Lenny Murdoch - Frank Gallagher
Murray - Brian Cowan
Daniel McKee - Ewan Stewart
Hayley McCrone - Pamela Byrne
Marianne McKee - Frances Grey
Father Mulvaney - Laurie Ventry
Amber Murdoch - Lorna Anderson
Lee - James Palmer

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Lenny wanted Ewan to get rid of Lee once and for all, when it seemed he was getting close to Amber. Bob's constant itching was revealed to be brought on by pubic lice, which he had picked up in Prague. Eileen got Gina to go hill walking with Murray. Did Ewan carry out Lenny's wishes?

This episode was:
Written by James McIntyre
Produced by Jonathan Phillips
Directed by Fiona Walton

Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon
Nicki Cullen - Jayd Johnson
Amber Murdoch - Lorna Anderson
Lee - James Palmer
Lydia Murdoch - Jacqueline Leonard
Ewan Murdoch - Chris Brazier
Lenny Murdoch - Frank Gallagher
Gina Hamilton - Libby McArthur
Malcolm Hamilton - Johnny Beattie
Murray - Brian Cowan
Derek Henderson - Gordon McCorkell
Walden - Gordon Munro
Stella - Keira Lucchesi
Father Mulvaney - Laurie Ventry
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Marianne McKee - Frances Grey

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Molly and Big Bob returned, to Scarlett's horror. Scarlett made it her priority to find Bob a job, in order to prove Molly wrong. Innes' epilepsy caused him to drop out of his big fight. He and Charlie were later back on speaking terms. Malcolm was reluctant to attend the funeral of one of his former work colleagues.

This episode was:
Written by Martin Brocklebank
Produced by Jonathan Phillips
Directed by Fiona Walton

Innes Maitland - Samuel Robertson
Marianne McKee - Frances Grey
Big Bob - Tom Urie
Jimmy Mullen - Billy McElhaney
Jennifer Bowie - Lorna Craig
Charlie Bowie - Ryan Smith
Malcolm Hamilton - Johnny Beattie
Liz Buchanan - Eileen McCallum
Scarlett Mullen - Sally Howitt
Raymond Henderson - Paul Samson
Joe - Sean Scanlan
Molly - Una McLean
Iona McIntyre - Claire Knight
Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon
Gina Hamilton - Libby McArthur
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Ruth and Iona tried their luck at speed dating. Eileen talked Gina into cooking a romantic dinner for her and Murray. Innes was told by Marianne that he was showing symptoms of epilepsy. Lee made an unexpected return. Ruth got a date thanks to Gina putting a profile of her on a dating website, but when things didn't work out, she ended up kissing Gordon.

This episode was:
Written by Kim Millar
Produced by Emma Turner
Directed by David McKay

Charlie Bowie - Ryan Smith
Jennifer Bowie - Lorna Craig
Innes Maitland - Samuel Robertson
Marianne McKee - Frances Grey
Ruth Green - Morag Calder
Gina Hamilton - Libby McArthur
Lydia Murdoch - Jacqueline Leonard
Amber Murdoch - Lorna Anderson
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Scarlett Mullen - Sally Howitt
Iona McIntyre - Claire Knight
Lenny Murdoch - Frank Gallagher
Murray - Brian Cowan
Joe - Sean Scanlan
Ewan Murdoch - Chris Brazier
Gordon Swan - Sandy Welch
Hayley McCrone - Pamela Byrne
Lee - James Palmer
Robbie Fraser - Gary Lamont
Luke - Alan Russell

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Malcolm arranged a trip to Australia for him and Liz using his savings. When Liz became suspicious, Malcolm had to tell her the truth, that he may be dying. Iona arrived back in Shieldinch, to Robbie and Hayley's surprise. Bob and Deek also arrived back, from their friend's stag party, but what secret are they hiding?

This episode was:
Written by Keith Brumpton
Produced by Emma Turner
Directed by David McKay

Malcolm Hamilton - Johnny Beattie
Ruth Green - Morag Calder
Marianne McKee - Frances Grey
Hayley McCrone - Pamela Byrne
Robbie Fraser - Gary Lamont
Iona McIntyre - Claire Knight
Liz Buchanan - Eileen McCallum
Jack - John Comerford
Gordon Swan - Sandy Welch
Scarlett Mullen - Sally Howitt
Raymond Henderson - Paul Samson
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Gina Hamilton - Libby McArthur
Nicki Cullen - Jayd Johnson
Stella - Keira Lucchesi
Charlie Bowie - Ryan Smith
Derek Henderson - Gordon McCorkell
Antonia - Sarah Beauvoisin
Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Jenny and Amber fell out after Jenny tried to kiss her. Nazir's insurance money turned up in Jo's account and caused tension for the Rossi family. Jenny became interested in her former neighbour's personal life and decided to investigate. Lee was forced by Lenny to leave Shieldinch.

This episode was:
Written by Peter Hynes and Keith Temple
Produced by Jonathan Phillips
Directed by Bill MacLeod

Amber Murdoch - Lorna Anderson
Jennifer Bowie - Lorna Craig
Lydia Murdoch - Jacqueline Leonard
Lee - James Palmer
Lenny Murdoch - Frank Gallagher
Joanne Rossi - Lisa Gardner
Ruth Green - Morag Calder
Nicki Cullen - Jayd Johnson
Bob Adams - Stephen Purdon
Charlie Bowie - Ryan Smith
Innes Maitland - Samuel Robertson
Derek Henderson - Gordon McCorkell
Jimmy Mullen - Billy McElhaney
Ewan Murdoch - Chris Brazier
Eileen Donachie - Deirdre Davis
Gina Hamilton - Libby McArthur
Malcolm Hamilton - Johnny Beattie
Scarlett Mullen - Sally Howitt
Mary - Anna Hepburn

Series Producer - Morag Bain
Executive Producer - Eric Coulter

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